What is Chiropractic?
Why Choose Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic care is safe, gentle and effective. People with all different kinds of health problems have visited doctors of chiropractic for over a hundred years. Chiropractors are specially trained to locate and free your body from severe abnormalities that interfere with your well-being. These are called subluxations which are distortions or slight misalignments of your structural system, including your spine. The re-aligning of your spinal column is key, it releases pressure on your nerves so your whole body can function at its optimum, so you feel healthy!
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts which is based upon the understanding that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system (especially the spine, and the nerves extending from the spine to all parts of the body). "Chiropractic" comes from the Greek word Chiropraktikos, meaning "effective treatment by hand." Chiropractic stresses the idea that the cause of many disease processes begin with the body's inability to adapt to its environment.
It looks to address these diseases not by the use of drugs and chemicals, but by locating and adjusting a musculoskeletal area of the body which is functioning improperly.
The conditions which doctors of chiropractic address are as varied and as vast as the nervous system itself. All chiropractors use a standard procedure of examination to diagnose a patient's condition and arrive at a course of treatment. Doctors of chiropractic use the same time-honored methods of consultation, case history, physical examination, laboratory analysis and x-ray examination as any other doctor. In addition, they provide a careful chiropractic structural examination, paying particular attention to the spine.
The examination of the spine to evaluate structure and function is what makes chiropractic different from other health care procedures. Your spinal column is a series of movable bones which begin at the base of your skull and end in the center of your hips. Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves extend down the spine from the brain and exit through a series of openings. The nerves leave the spine and form a complicated network which influences every living tissue in your body.
Accidents, falls, stress, tension, overexertion, and countless other factors can result in a displacements or derangements of the spinal column, causing irritation to spinal nerve roots. These irritations are often what cause malfunctions in the human body. Chiropractic teaches that reducing or eliminating this irritation to spinal nerves can cause your body to operate more efficiently and more comfortably.
Chiropractic also places an emphasis on nutritional and exercise programs, wellness and lifestyle modifications for promoting physical and mental health. While chiropractors make no use of drugs or surgery. Doctors of chiropractic do refer patients for medical care when those interventions are indicated. In fact, chiropractors, medical doctors, physical therapists and other health care professionals now work as partners in occupational health, sports medicine, and a wide variety of other rehabilitation practices.
Kids & Chiropractic
Did you know that the first major trauma that our bodies experience is when we're born? There is tremendous stress placed on the infant's neck and head when they are going through the birthing process; from spinal subluxations to significant trauma to the brainstem.
If chiropractic care is necessary to your good health and for reaching your full potential in life as an adult, then it logically follows that it is even more necessary for a child! After all, they have nerve systems that control and coordinate all of their body functions just as you do. And, just like you, they can get subluxations that will interfere with the full outward expression of their Life force. The only difference is that they still have an entire lifetime ahead of them in which to manifest the results of what they do today. It's Never Too Soon.